Closing of all playgrounds in municipality Tivat

16 Feb 2021

The President of the Municipality of Tivat, Zeljko Komnenovic, ordered the closure of playgrounds and outdoor gyms and urged the Secretariat for Inspection and Communal Supervision and the Department in charge of municipal security to tighten the control of compliance with epidemiological measures, protection and rescue. Komnenović informed the attendees about the online meeting of the representatives of the Municipal Team with the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health, which resulted in regular communication that the municipality has with these two institutions.

The epidemiological service of the Tivat Health Center has recorded a reduced number of patients on a daily basis, and according to the director, Dr. Jasminka Anđelić, this health institution has sufficient quantities of PCR and quick tests, as well as other medical devices. There are currently 368 active cases of corona virus in Tivat. "Preparations are underway for the start of vaccination, and according to the current plan, immunization will be carried out in a customized container placed next to the facility of the Health Center." "Health workers and people older than 80 will be vaccinated first" said Dr. Andjelic.

According to the report of Dragan Kontić, the chief of OB Tivat, the police controlled 252 people in the past 10 days, who were sentenced to self-isolation. Four criminal charges were filed in the same period. OB Tivat has hired additional help to cover all activities. Regular controls are also carried out by the municipal communal police and inspection, in all parts of the city, visiting catering facilities, public areas where queues are created. The operation of taxi transport and the application of epidemiological measures in public transport are also controlled.

The Red Cross Tivat announced that in the past period, assistance in hygiene and food packages reached 120 Roma families, and food was delivered to 60 families in a state of social need. The Tivat Red Cross delivered 20 packages of warm clothes and hygiene packages as needed for Roma families at Lovanja. The geronto service also works smoothly, and the distribution of blankets is planned for the next period. The on-duty telephone number of the Red Cross Tivat is 069 968 173, and the number of the municipal call center (069 351 251) is also active, which citizens can call if they need help with the purchase and delivery of basic groceries.

The Protection Service and the Utility Company Tivat have scheduled disinfection of public spaces and institutions for the period of the next 8 days. The next cycle of disinfection of the city starts tomorrow evening after 9 pm, with the assistance of the Voluntary Fire Brigade, DVD "Krtoli" and "Vodovod i kanalizacija" Tivat.

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