European Mobility Week in Tivat

16 Sep 2024

The Municipality of Tivat traditionally participates in the celebration of European Mobility Week from September 16 to 22, organized in collaboration with numerous organizations, sports clubs, and individuals from Tivat. This year's theme for the event, which takes place across Europe with the support of the European Commission, is "Shared Public Spaces." This highlights how public spaces are used and perceived in the modern world and emphasizes the importance of everyone being able to use these spaces freely and safely, particularly pedestrians and cyclists.

The first event in the series is a cleanup action at the Župa site, in honor of International Coastal Cleanup Day, initiated and carried out by the informal network of NGOs Clean Up Montenegro. The action will take place on Monday, September 16, from 9 to 11 a.m. Meals and refreshments, gloves, and bags will be provided for participants, and a large turnout of citizens, employees from companies, and institutions is expected. The event will also assist the Tivat Utility Company, which will collect the gathered waste.

On Tuesday, September 17, from 4 to 7 p.m., a kayak tour is planned from Ponte Seljanovo to Opatovo, organized by Adventurenegrin. Participation must be registered, and a sweet surprise is prepared for all participants.

A bike repair workshop organized by the Triathlon Club Kotor will be held for the second consecutive year on Wednesday, September 18, at Pine promenade from 5 to 7 p.m.

Eco Boats, which has established eco-friendly ferry services in the Bay of Kotor this year, will join the action and offer free rides to Krašići on Thursday, September 19, at 10 and 11 a.m.

Friday, September 20, will feature a walking tour as the most popular form of active leisure. The walk will be guided by the experienced Boris Filip, from Gornja Lastva to Sv. Vida. All interested citizens are invited to gather at 3 p.m. by the monument in Gornja Lastva, with additional activities expected at the route's destination.

The Adventure Club K4 invites all residents, especially the youngest, to a fun ride with roller skates and scooters (not electric) along the coast in Donja Lastva on Saturday, September 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Fancy Women Bike Ride by Maja Filip calls on all ladies to decorate their bikes and ride from Pine to the Church of St. Rocco in Donja Lastva and back. This ride is planned for Sunday from 5 to 7:30 p.m.

The Municipality of Tivat, all organizers, and those who promote this event year after year invite everyone to join and spend part of the day in a fun and healthy way in good company.

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