Support of women’s entrepreneurship

17 Sep 2024
The Secretariat for Economy of the Municipality of Tivat has announced a Public Call for the allocation of funds from the Municipality of Tivat's budget dedicated to supporting women's entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurs, as well as business entities where women are the key business leaders—founder/co-founder and executive director of the company—are eligible to submit their business plan and participate in the competition for non-refundable financial resources. These businesses must be registered with the Central Registry of Business Entities (CRPS) and have their headquarters located in the territory of the Municipality of Tivat. The support fund amounts to €50,000, and the maximum amount allocated per business plan cannot exceed 30% of the total budgeted amount. The competition is open until October 5, 2024. The full text of the public call, list of eligible activities, application form, business idea submission template, and the Decision on the criteria, method, and procedure for the allocation of funds for supporting women's entrepreneurship can be downloaded below:

Public notice - PDF

List of eligible business activities  - PDF

Application for competition - Word

Business idea submission template- Word

Decision on the criteria, method, and procedure for the allocation of funds for supporting women's entrepreneurship - PDF post slika