Notice of public hearing for Vrmac hill for real estate owners

09 Aug 2022
Based on Article 33 of the Law on Nature Protection ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", no. 54/16 and 18/19), the Secretariat for Spatial Planning informs the real estate owners that the President of the Municipality of Tivat, by Decision No. 01-322/20-179/9 of 08/05/2022. year, determined the Draft Decision on the declaration of the Nature Park "Vrmac" (hereinafter referred to as the Draft Decision) and the Draft Study on the protection of the hill "Vrmac" (hereinafter referred to as the Draft Study) and put them up for public debate, with the Public Debate Program. The public hearing on the Draft Decision and Draft Study will be held in the period from August 9, 2022. until 09.09.2022. year (30 days). The proposed coverage of the protected area and the list of cadastral plots, which are located in the proposed coverage of the protected area, are an integral part of the Draft Decision and Draft Study, and the documents are available at the following link:  
  • During the public hearing, it is possible to inspect the Draft Decision and the Draft Study: - through the website of the Municipality of Tivat -, - in printed form in the building of the administrative body of the Municipality of Tivat, i.e. in the premises of the Secretariat for Spatial Planning, office number 5 (1st floor) every working day from 08:00 to 11:00 (Wednesdays from 08:00 to 14:00 hours).
  • The central public hearing on the Draft Decision and the Draft Study will be held on Thursday, September 1, 2022, starting at 10:00 a.m. in the administrative building of the Municipality of Tivat - Multimedia Hall.
  • We invite you to take part in the subject public discussion, give your remarks, proposals, opinions and suggestions, which are submitted in written form, namely: - by mail to the address Municipality of Tivat - Secretariat for Spatial Planning, Trg magnolija no. 1, 85 320 Tivat, - directly at the registry office of the Municipality of Tivat, - to e-mail