Temporary suspension of traffic on the MR2 section

15 Sep 2023

The Secretariat for Traffic and Housing and Communal Services of the Municipality of Tivat informs the public that based on Decision no. 16-341/23-UPI-99/1 dated September 14, 2023. year, there will be a temporary suspension of traffic on the section of the MR2 road for a length of 50m, i.e. from the residential entrance to the Marina Village within the complex "Luštica Bay" to the turn towards the administration building of "Luštica Development" AD Tivat and the golf courses, due to the holding of the "Luštica" race Bay UpHill Run 2023".

The temporary suspension of traffic will last on September 16, 2023. from 16:00 to 16:45 and from 17:30 to 18:15.

During the temporary suspension of traffic, the passage of emergency vehicles will be allowed in case of need.

We thank the citizens in advance for their understanding.

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