FOST INNO – tourism innovations
Prošlog četvrtka (18. januar) u Opatiji je održano prvo javno predstavljanje i prvi sastanak projektnog tima, projekta "FOST INNO - Incentive system in tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian region". This is one of the currently 3 active IPA projects, implemented by the Municipality of Tivat. The FOST INNO project is implemented within the INTERREG ADRION 2014-2020 program. It is worth a total of 1.27 million euros, and it is an EU project in which, in addition to the Municipality of Tivat as the only partner from Montenegro, seven other partners from five countries will cooperate. The total funds that will belong to the Municipality of Tivat amount to 130,372 euros.
The host of the meeting was the Opatija Faculty of Management in Tourism and Hospitality, which is also the leading partner in the project. In addition to the hosts, the two-day meeting was attended by other partners in the "FOST INNO" project: the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences in Nova Gorica and the Regional Development Agency Nova Gorica from Slovenia, the Municipality of Perugia and the Molise Region from Italy. Doboj Canton from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the University of Shkodra "Luidj Gurakuci" from Albania, as well as the Municipality of Tivat from Montenegro.
Petar Vujović, Sunčica Radović and Dubravka Koparan attended the meeting on behalf of the Municipality of Tivat and the Secretariat for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship, in order to present the work of the Municipality as well as the work package of the project with which they will coordinate. The next meeting of the project partners is planned for the beginning of June in Tivat.
The common challenges of the program area, such as extending the tourist season and improving the quality of tourist products, will be addressed in accordance with the principles of long-term sustainability of tourism development. The overall goal of the project is to improve the competitiveness of the Adriatic-Ionian area while increasing the innovation capacity of sustainable tourism. Also, within the project, it is planned to establish and develop an international center for the transfer of knowledge and innovation in tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian area.
Dean of the Faculty of Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Dora Smolčić Jurdana pointed out that a very important aspect of this project is the intention to involve as many stakeholders in the activities of the FOST INNO project, because it will strengthen cooperation at all levels.