The Economic Council of the Municipality of Tivat was formed

19 Nov 2019
The Municipality of Tivat formed the Economic Council today in order to improve the institutional support to the local economy and encourage the development of the economy on the territory of the municipality. At the proposal of the Secretariat for Tourism and Entrepreneurship, which is the initiator of the formation of the council, and based on the decision of the President of the Municipality of Tivat Dr. Sinisa Kusovac, also the President of the Economic Council, the Council was formed by important and influential representatives of the economy in the Municipality of Tivat. The members are Snežan Kovinić - “Ben Kov” d.o.o. , Tonći Francesković - NGO “Association of Caterers and Hoteliers”,, Branko Zgradić - “Navar Incorporated” d.o.o., Risto Lučić - “UNA” d.o.o. and representatives of strategic investors "Adriatic Marinas" and "Lustica Development", Predrag Lekovic and Goran Kovacevic. This advisory, expert body of the Mayor of Tivat has several tasks, including discussing current topics, analyzing and giving suggestions, proposing activities and measures to create a stimulating environment for attracting investment, proposing measures to improve the business environment, identifying needs to solve business problems. communities, suggests opportunities and many other activities aimed at synergy and the development of cooperation between the private and public sectors. At today's constitutive session of the Economic Council, initiated and opened by the President of the Municipality of Tivat, Dr. Sinisa Kusovac, the role of the council was clearly defined, which should monitor all issues of interest to the economy and local economic development and propose activities to the mayor to improve business conditions. Also, the Rules of Procedure of the Economic Council were reviewed, and after a quality presentation of the draft Tourism Development Strategy 2020-2024, the Economic Council was given the opportunity to comment and participate in the discussion, and the document was given quality suggestions and comments for possible changes and supplement. post slika