Today is the International Wetlands Day

02 Feb 2021

The International Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on February 2, with the aim of promoting the importance of protecting such areas, primarily those inscribed on the RAMSAR list of wetlands of international importance.

On the territory of the municipality of Tivat, there is a special nature reserve "Tivatska solila", inscribed on this list since 2013, as one of the most important areas, with exceptional diversity and richness of species on the Montenegrin coast. Solila is recognized as an important habitat for birds during spring and autumn migration, and in addition to its exceptional importance for birds, it is a preserved habitat for halophyte vegetation. The celebration of the International Wetlands Day is an invitation to everyone to protect nature and the environment, and especially vulnerable habitats such as wetlands, which are a rarity on our coast. Also, this date is an invitation to all citizens to visit the nature reserve "Solila Tivat" and enjoy the richness of biodiversity and landscape. A short documentary about " Solila Tivat", directed by Dušan Vuleković and produced by Brand New Tivat, is available at:

Photography: Miko Photography Studio

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