
The vision of the development of culture in the municipality of Tivat: Tivat, the city of theater and music, is one of the key strategic determinants of the city’s development. The culture of our local community is characterized by openness to the domestic and international space, as evidenced by the numerous events that are organized in Tivat. Residents and guests of Tivat can enjoy various forms of cultural expression throughout the year – art exhibitions, literary evenings, museum exhibitions, film screenings, music events, are just part of a dynamic calendar of events.

Organizers of cultural events in Tivat, in addition to cultural institutions, are the Municipality and the Tourist Organization of Tivat, and numerous other entities.

Apart from the already mentioned contents, the richness of Tivat’s cultural offer also includes:

Cultural goods – WORD

Archaeological sites – PDF

Memorials on the territory of the municipality of Tivat- WORD

Public Institution “Centar za kulturu” Tivat

Address: Luke Tomanovića 4
Phone numbers:

main: +382 (0) 32/ 674-587,

management: +382 (0) 32/ 674-590,
library: +382 (0) 32/ 674-588

Contact person: Neven Staničić, director

Public Institution ”Muzej i galerija” Tivat

Address: Trg od kulture 4

Phone number: +382 (0) 32/674-591


Contact person: mr Jelena Bujišić, director

  • Masquerades and carnivals are part of the tradition of coastal Mediterranean cities. They are held in the period from January to March, on the eve of Easter fasting. The Carnival in Donja Lastva in Tivat has a long tradition. In recent years, the great International Carnival in Tivat has been held in early June and has attracted a great deal of audience attention.
  • Bokeška Noc/ Evening of Boka Bay is a traditional event that is held in the second half of February, organized by the branch of the Boke Navy from Tivat.
  • The Purgatory Mediterranean Theater Festival, organized by the Tivat Cultural Center, is an event that attracts theater audiences from the entire region.
  • Quality theater performances, the spirit of the Mediterranean and the selection of the best, make this event popular, every year from June to September.
  • Tivat summer festivities Tourist organizations Tivat are the backbone of fun events in Tivat throughout the summer. Concerts, performances, folk gastro-festivities are just a part of the program.
  • Lastovske Feste/ festivities in Lastva are held in August, in a special ambient unit of Gornja Lastva and include a cultural and artistic program, evenings in the mill, exhibitions. The goal is to preserve the cultural heritage.
  • The Bowling Olympics is a sporting event held in the summer.
    The November days unite through cultural, sports and entertainment events, organized to meet November 21 – the Day of the Municipality of Tivat.
  • Žućenica fest is a recognizable gastronomic event, organized for many years by the Women’s Organization of Tivat and Radio Tivat. Late May / early June is a time of jaundice and fun in honor of this useful plant.
  • The traditional New Year’s concert of the Music and Educational Society of Tivat is an unavoidable announcement of the holidays. The society, which is more than 110 years old, still works, plays and is a part of all important events in Tivat, and their concert is a special experience.

Apart from these, Tivat offers a number of other attractive events organized by cultural institutions, the Tourist Organization, local government and the NGO sector.


City Institutions