Current working hours of the Municipality

08 Dec 2020

The president of the municipality Tivat, Zeljko Komnenovic, issued an order to change the working hours of the Tivat local government. Starting on Wednesday, December 9, working hours of the municipality Tivat will be from 7:00 to 13:00. The Civil bureau office will work with clients every working day from 8:00 to 11:00, with a limited number of clients at the premises at the same time.

In order to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread, the work in the Municipality is organized in shifts while the Secretariat for Inspection and Communal Supervision and the Protection Service will be performing tasks within their competences on a regular basis.

We invite citizens to contact municipal authorities and services by phone or email, in order to comply with all applicable health recommendations and epidemiological measures.

All information about the work of the local government of Tivat can be found at:

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