Free school transport for all students from Tivat

01 Sep 2023

Pursuant to the Decision on participation in transportation costs for students from the territory of the municipality of Tivat, the Municipality of Tivat, together with the Ministry of Education, provided free transportation for all students from Tivat who travel to primary and secondary schools in Tivat, Kotor, Budva, Herceg Novi, and use the regular bus. city, suburban and intercity transport on a route longer than 2 kilometers.

The right to participate in transportation costs is exercised by students who have residence/residence in the territory of the municipality of Tivat and who travel to school on a route of 5 kilometers or more, and use transportation in suburban and intercity traffic as follows:

elementary school students can exercise the right to participate in costs in the amount of 60% of the price of the student ticket, (the remaining 40% participation by the Ministry of Education) high school students can exercise the right to participate in transportation costs in the amount of 80% of the price of the student ticket. (the remaining 20% ​​participation by the Ministry of Education)

Students residing in the territory of the municipality of Tivat who travel to school on a distance of 2 to 5 kilometers, and use city and suburban transport in the amount of 100% of the price of the student ticket, are also entitled to participation in transportation costs.

The procedure for exercising the right to participate in transportation costs is submitted by students to the public educational institution, primary or secondary school they attend.

  1. By the 15th of the month, the student (parent/guardian) submits proof of ticket purchase (payment slip) to the school.
  2. The school enters the data (name and surname of the student, route on which he travels, bank account, ticket price and the amount of participation of the Municipality of Tivat in relation to the percentage from point 3.) in the table, which he submits to the Secretariat for Social Activities, no later than the 20th of the month.
  3. Based on the table certified by the school administration, the Municipality of Tivat transfers funds for participation in transportation costs, in the amount of: 60% of the ticket price for elementary school students, who travel to school on a route of 5 kilometers or more, 80% of the ticket price for high school students who travel 5 kilometers or more to school.
  4. 100% of the ticket price, for elementary and high school students, who travel to school on a distance of 2 to 5 kilometers.
  5. Students who attend school in Budva and Cetinje, and who, due to specific transportation, i.e. the impossibility of buying a subscription/monthly ticket, use the services of different carriers every day and buy daily tickets, are obliged to deliver all tickets purchased in the previous month to the school by the 15th of the current month. so that the school would include them in the table and deliver them to the Secretariat for Social Activities.
  6. The amount of participation by the Municipality of Tivat in this case is 80% for high school students, and 60% for elementary school students.
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