NOTICE – Temporary suspension of traffic due to the organization of the opening ceremony of the EuroCup international sailing competition
The Secretariat for the Economy of the Municipality of Tivat informs the public that based on Decision no. 10-341/22-UPI-839/1 dated September 30, 2022. to temporarily stop traffic on the public road "Šetalište Seljanovo" street from number 33A (intersection with "Kapetana Marko Martinovića" street) to numbers 55, 55A and 55B (intersection with "Nikole Tesla" street) and due to the organization of the opening ceremony international sailing competition EuroCup organized by JK "Delfin" Tivat. The temporary suspension of traffic will last for the duration of the activities, on October 6, 2022. year in the time period from 16.00h to 20.00h.