Sports Fair

08 Oct 2019
Secretariat for the young, sports and social issues of Tivat, in co-operation with public educational uprights and the sports organizations in Tivat, organize the fourth "sports Fair". The fair will be held on a plateau between the "Drago Milovic" and High School "Mladost" on Wednesday, September 25th, 2019. starting from 12:00 pm, and in the case of rain, it was planned to keep the fair in the high school sports hall. About 20 sports organizations from Tivat will take part in the fair, which will present its work and the sports branch involved in the event. Same as last year, this will be an ideal opportunity for all students and their parents to have a glimpse in one place in the offering of the sports organizations from Tivat, and to decide for the sport that suits them most and learn the details of the sport. post slika