2nd Meeting of the Coordination Team for monitoring the tourist season in Tivat

28 Jul 2023

Tivat Municipality President Željko Komnenović chaired the second meeting of the Coordination Team for monitoring the tourist season this year. 9,243 domestic and foreign tourists are currently staying in Tivat, which is at the level of the results from last year. "It is evident that there are 17% more guests in Tivat hotels, while 6% fewer guests were registered in private accommodation compared to the previous year," said the director of the Tivat Tourist Organization, Nina Lakičević. According to her, guests in Tivat mostly complain about the conditions on the beaches, regarding the rental of deck chairs, the coverage of the beaches with deck chairs, and the appearance of stray dogs and the price of services in the city.

The vice president of the municipality, Dr. Andrija Petković, referred to the problems in the supply of electricity to Tivat during June and July. He requested more information from the representative of Elektrodistribucija Milinka Papović. Papović informed those present that two breakdowns on the main power lines were recorded in the past period. According to him, the problem in Tivat is network overload due to the fact that in recent years the expansion of construction has not been accompanied by the development of network capacities. The president of the municipality stated that the municipality had a meeting with representatives of CEDIS, that he is aware of the problems and that work will be necessary to strengthen the electrical distribution network in Tivat.

Draško Lončar, coordinator of the Administration for Inspection Affairs for Tivat, attended the meeting of the Coordination Team. He pointed out that in less than a month, the inspection authorities in Tivat issued misdemeanor orders in the amount of €140,000. Inspectors issued penalty orders for non-compliance with working hours, unregistered workers, failure to hire the prescribed number of lifeguards on the beaches.

The representatives of the Public Enterprise for the Management of the Sea Resource informed the participants of the meeting about reduced crowds on the ferry, and highlighted the problems that exist in relations with beach tenants in the territory of the municipality of Tivat. At the meeting, the need to sanction those tenants who do not respect the provisions of the contract with Morski Dobro was highlighted. The members of the team conveyed to the representatives of this public company the citizens' complaints regarding the operation of the ferries on the Kamenari-Lepetani line, as well as the disputed situation on Tivat's beaches.

The cleanliness of the beaches this year is also being taken care of by the teams of employees of the Tivat Municipal Company. Director of Communal Vučet Stanišić emphasized that work is being done at full capacity, and that work is being organized twice and on duty in accordance with the increased need during the summer months. Thanks to the on-call staff, operations are carried out in the afternoon at particularly frequent points in the city. As a special problem, the manner in which commercial facilities dispose of waste, as well as the cleanliness of the approaches to these facilities, was highlighted. Officials of the Secretariat for Inspection and Communal Supervision will visit commercial establishments and appeal for increased attention to cleanliness.

The work of the Tivat police is focused on traffic management, and police officers are in constant contact with municipal services and businesses. An increased occurrence of begging on the streets of Tivat was recorded, so a joint action of the police and officials of the Secretariat for Inspection and Communal Supervision was agreed. The municipal secretariat announced the continuation of the noise control action as well as the control of illegally parked vehicles.

The Secretariat for Transport and Housing and Communal Services was ordered to draft a decision on the use of electric scooters, i.e. banning their use in certain city areas.

The Tivat water supply and sewerage department assesses the city's water supply as regular. Water consumption is at the level of last year, although an increase in the number of consumers by 10-15% was recorded. The Director of Parking Service Snežana Vukosavović Novosel has announced the modernization of the parking billing process for the next period, so they are currently working on the purchase of a parking meter at the parking lot in Arsenalska Street.

The protection and rescue service is on standby. Commander Milorad Giljača emphasized the problem of illegal parking in the streets in the upper parts of the city, which prevents access with fire engines in case of need for intervention. He also referred to the tragic incident near Plavi horizonti beach when one person died, and pointed out that the person died while trying to help another person, which was not adequately reported in the media.

About 35 patients are examined daily in the tourist clinic of the Tivat Health Center. No major crowds were recorded, and the opening of the children's dispensary, which was renovated thanks to a donation from Luštice Development, is planned for Monday.

Cultural events in Tivat take place according to schedule and attract the attention of locals and guests.

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