JOB DESCRIPTION – President of the municipality of Tivat
represents the Municipality
proposes regulations and other acts passed by the Assembly, and how to solve certain issues under the jurisdiction of the Assembly
takes care and is responsible for the enforcement of laws, regulations and general acts
takes care and is responsible for executing transferred and assigned activities
determines the organization and operation of local administration,
define the organization and operation of local administration, at the proposal of the Chief Administrator, appoints and dismisses the Vice President of the Municipality and the Chief Administrator
approves the regulations on the internal organization and the systematization of the local administration bodies, professional and other services,
appoints and dismisses directors of agencies, appoints and dismisses managers
approves the appointment and dismissal of heads of local administration,
submits to the citizens and the Assembly a report on its work and the results of local administration, at least once a year
directs and coordinates the work of local administration bodies, public services and agencies established by municipality, for more efficient execution of their functions and better public services, for which he passes the necessary regulations
supervises the work of local administration
passes the acts under his jurisdiction and regulations in the performance of delegated and assigned tasks, unless a special regulation stipulates otherwise
is responsible for implementing the decisions and other regulations passed by the Assembly and passes the acts for their implementation
adopts regulations for the execution of the budget of the Municipality
convenes inaugural session of the Assembly
takes care for the rational use of municipal property
manages the current budget reserve in accordance with the decision of the Municipal Assembly
decides on investments, in accordance with the established investment policy
gives his opinion on the draft decisions and other acts submitted to Assembly by other proponents
resolves conflicts of jurisdiction between local administration, public services and legal persons which were delegated certain tasks by the Assembly’s decision
decides on the disqualification of the Chief Administrator
supervises the legality and the appropriateness of the protection service activities
establishes professional working bodies for activities within his scope and passes the Rules of Procedure for his work,
temporarily adopts acts under the jurisdiction of the Assembly,
in accordance with the law allocates the premises to the municipal bodies,
determines the use of vehicles and decides on the acquisition and disposal of vehicles for purposes of municipal authorities
performs other duties in accordance with the law and this Statute.