JOB DESCRIPTION – Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection
Secretariat for Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection carries out the tasks related to:
- development of regulations in the field of spatial planning and development, construction land planning; monitoring the spatial situation and keeping the documentation basis for preparation of planning documents and analysis of the documents implementation; performing preparatory and other activities related to the development and adoption of the Municipal Spatial Plan, detailed urban development plans and urban development projects and local sites studies; delivering the planning documents tu administration body in charge of cadastral plan for reasons of transfer of plot plans to cadastral plans; implementation of the strategic assessment of the environmental impact of plans and programs adopted by the Municipality; preparation a one-year program of spatial planning and reporting on spatial development; establishment and maintenance of a unified spatial information system; formation of the site with urban-development technical conditions; storage of spatial-planning documentation; keeping records of requirements and needs of users; records on issued requirements for the spatial planning, data about structures that are constructed contrary to planning documents and other information relevant to the planning, landscaping, construction of temporary facilities;
- Issuance of certificates within its jurisdiction.
- Issuance of excerpts from planning documents.
- Issuance of urban-development and technical conditions for the development of technical documentation for the facilities under the jurisdiction of local administration; acting on applications for the issuance of a building permit for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and for the exploitation permit, for upgrading the building and the conversion of the common parts of the building into apartment, as on applications for the conversion of specific and common parts of the building into residential and business premises; arranging and providing conditions and measures to be implemented and used during buildings demolition when the decision on the removal of objects is made by the authorities.
- Dealing with applications for issuance of building and exploitation permits for infrastructure projects: water supply, sewer, TT installations, electric power facilities, urban roads; issuing exploitation permits for facilities for which building permits were issued and the decision on the organization of technical inspection of the object; designing program and decision with specifications for installation of temporary facilities; issuance of the decisions approving the erection of temporary structures; making decisions on auxiliary facilities and issuance of approval for construction of auxiliary facilities.
- Acting during the administrative procedure on applications for setting public fountains; determining the conditions and determining locations for monuments, memorials and statues;
- Preparing and monitoring the implementation of local environmental protection plans; preparing reports on the state of the environment; developing a plan of emergency measures in the event of an emergency environmental pollution; establishment and maintenance of a register of polluters; acting on matters of air protection and air quality improvements and the implementation of measures to protect and improve air quality; proposing the organization of environmental monitoring; adoption of the air quality monitoring program in the local network if such network is already established; keeping a register of poullution sources; proposing the introduction of fees for the protection and promotion of environment to the competent authority; cooperation with institutions and non-governmental organizations engaged in activities in the field of environment protection and carrying out other duties in accordance with law; giving opinions on waste management plan created by the waste producer in accordance with the Law.
- Making decision on the elaboration of the strategic assessment for plans and programs when the strategic assessment is mandatory, after obtaining the opinion; making decision on the need for strategic assessment elaboration or decision on non-performing the elaboration of strategic assessment for plans and programs when strategic assessment is not required; choosing the person in charge of the strategic assessment report elaboration; issuance or refusing to issue consent to the report on the strategic assessment of environmental impact for plans and programs adopted by the Municipality; organizing and conducting public hearings on strategic assessment of environmental impact.
- deciding upon the requests for necessary environmental impact assessment for projects that may have an impact on the environment; making decisions on applications for assessing the impact of projects for which the assessment is mandatory and conducting the assessment of the environmental impact of the projects for which approval permits and licenses are issued by other authorities of Municipality; deciding on the content of the elaborate; organization of public hearings on the elaborate; making decision to establish the Commission for determining the scope and content of the elaborate and evaluation of elaborate; making decision on approval or decision on rejecting the application for approval of the elaborate; keeping records on procedures of making decisions on approval and rejection of the application for approval of the elaborate.
- monitoring the implementation of the Law on Integrated Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and management of the process of issuing integrated permits for plants for which a bulding license or permit and start of operation or activity is issued by the local administration (draft permit); notifying the authorities, organizations and the public; issuance of permits, permit revision ex officio; keeping a registry of issued licenses as part of environmental protection information system.
- promotion and protection of the environment, conservation of nature and natural resources; performing tasks related to the classification of protected natural areas of local significance on the basis of Environmental Protection Study; the proceedings for the declaration of protected natural heritage in the Municipality upon the approval and opinions of the competent authorities and declaration of protected natural heritage located on the territory of two or more municipalities; determining conditions for managers in terms of professional staff and organizational capacities to perform protection, improvement and promotion of sustainable development of protected natural resource; preparation of management plan for a regional park, park of nature, natural monument and landscape of exceptional characteristics; approval of the Annual Management Program defined by manager who also files Report on Implementation of the Annual Management Program; approval of the manager’s act determining the amount, method of calculation and payment of fees for the use of protected natural resources; preparation and development of Report on State of Nature; reporting on the status of nature and its protection; informing the public about the beginning of preparing acts for declaration and plan of management of protected natural resources; supervising the work performed by manager.
- Participation in the performance of acoustic zoning for the reason of determining the acoustic zones to protect people from noise; providing data on specific acoustic zones to Agency; organization of noise level monitoring; preparatory work on the development of Action Plans for agglomerations; organizing public hearings and reporting on public hearing regarding the Action Plan; determining eligibility of noise protection measures in technical documentation for the facilities that are not assessed for environmental impact,
- Preparation of reports, information and other professional materials for the Assembly and the President of the Municipality; preparing expert opinions and declarations on the initiatives of constitutionality and legality assessment of municipal regulations for the areas of its competence / decisions on adopting local planning documents, etc.); giving opinions on draft laws and delegated legislation in the areas of planning, construction of facilities and environmental protection; ensuring the creation of information basis for the spatial management / GIS system /; cooperation with relevant non-governmental organizations; the implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information (making a Guide and passing decisions).