JOB DESCRIPTION – Secretariat for Utilities and Housing Services and Traffic
Secretariat for Utilities and Housing Services and Traffic performs the tasks related to:
- preparing the regulations which establish the requirements and methods of performing utility services and organizing activities of the performance of utilities services and conditions of utilities and utility products usage; ensuring the utility services development (drinking water supply, wastewater and rainfall water management, urban sanitation, public lighting, landscaping and maintenance of parks and other public areas, maintenance of market-places and providing services on them, maintaining and landscaping the cemeteries) and monitoring of implementation of the investment programs in this area funded by the Municipality.
- preparation of regulations on conditions of usage, storage and maintenance of utility facilities; sanitation, maintenance of the town and other settlements;
- realizing the public interest in this area; taking part in the implementation of privatization of public utilities; and the preparation of plans and programs of utility services development.
- participating in the preparation of regulations determining utility charges;
- establishing general requirements and issuing authorizations for temporary occupation of public space by placing flower pots and other utility objects, except along the streets, public parking lots, garages, taxi stations and bus stops; issuance of authorizations and conditions for digging public and public green lots; regulation and maintenance of river beds and other public facilities.
- keeping records of the names and boundaries of settlements, streets and squares and determining the buildings’ numbers;
- keeping records of utility and waste waters, users and polluters of water facilities and plants; monitoring the maintenance of residential buildings; solving the cases of moving into joint or separate parts of the buildings without lease agreements; keeping records of information on residential premises leasing, provided by the building managers; setting norms and standards for necessary works.
- ensuring performance of emergency work in accordance with the law.
- monitoring the organization of bodies in residential buildings and taking measures for the organization; keeping the registry of the owners, the registry of residential buildings and their separate parts, the registry of administrators and suggesting the appointment of a temporary administrator of the building; and keeping a registry of the rules envisaged by the owners.
- tracking of rental prices and proposing appropriate measures to determine policy;
- administrative supervision over the work of companies, entrepreneurs in the field of utility services and performing activities relating to the exercising the rights of the founders towards other businesses and entrepreneurs that are entrusted to perform activities in these areas; giving opinions and preparing draft act on approving the statute of the companies from these areas established by the Municipality or the status of other companies entrusted with carrying out these tasks in these areas;
- participation in the development of protection plans against fire and natural disasters;
- ensuring the implementation of measures of preventive disinfection, disinsection and deration in residential areas, public areas, residential buildings, public transportation, etc;
- preparation of regulations relating to waste management (decisions on how to perform the separate collection and waste collection); participation in the establishment of a Local Communal Waste Management Plan; preparation of approval for the registration of collectors and transporters; keeping records on communal waste produced in the Municipality;
- preparation of regulations and other documents relating to the development, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, protection, usage and management of municipal roads (local roads and streets in settlements); determining the amount of compensation for the usage of municipal roads, the criteria for categorization of municipal roads; determining uncategorized roads and regulating the manner of their financing, maintenance, construction, reconstruction and usage;
- participation in the preparation of Traffic Regulation Project and changes in the regime of transport; determining of parking lots types; issuing permits and requirements for parking lots with parking fees or vehicles parking and storage fees; issuing approvals for the location and requirements for construction of temporary parking lots; issuing permits and conditions for the temporary reservation of space on the parking lot or other public areas to legal entities; issuing traffic consent; determining requirements and authorization for temporary placement of protective fence and other utility facilities along traffic areas; issuing approval to set up an ad-advertising billboards along traffic areas; issuing authorizations and conditions for the construction works on public areas intended for vehicle and pedestrian traffic; issuing approval for a full or partial ban on traffic and changing regime of traffic during the construction activities on roads; issuing the permit for movement of motor vehicles in restricted areas;
- arranging of public passenger transport in urban and suburban scheduled and non-scheduled traffic; locating bus and taxi stands; issuing approval for setting up bus shelters at stops; adopting the Plan of routes and calling for a contest for the selection of carriers for public passenger transport in urban and suburban regular traffic; issuing a temporary license to another carrier for performing public passenger transport in urban and suburban traffic for a group of routes that the carrier gave up on, or it was taken away from him; identification, registration and validation of timetables for individual routes; monitoring the prices of transport services in scheduled and non-scheduled passenger transport; issuing approval for the location and traffic conditions for temporary taxi stands;
- monitoring the construction situation, maintenance, usage and protection of municipal roads and public utility facilities; proposing and taking appropriate actions; participation in the preparation and development of the annual programs of construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure; participation in the process of urban planning in the area of transport infrastructure; ensuring the performance of activities relating to the information basis, monitoring and analyzing the data regarding roads and road transport.
- administrative supervision of entities entrusted with the function of the public passenger transport in urban and suburban traffic and entities that perform tasks of construction, reconstruction and maintenance of municipal and unclassified roads; giving opinions and preparing draft legislation approving the statute and other laws and acts governing the exercise of public interest in the area of public passenger transport in urban and suburban traffic and in the area of transport infrastructure of entities founded by the Municipality.
- giving opinions regarding information and other materials of public companies from this area, submitted to the Assembly and the President of the Municipality;
- monitoring the implementation of investment projects financed by the Municipality in this area; preparing expert opinions and declarations on the initiatives of constitutionality and legality assessment of municipal regulations and on the authentic interpretation of the regulations in this area;
- direct coordination with non-governmental organizations on matters within its competence in order to implement the program in the specified area;
- preparing the informational and other professional materials for the Assembly and the President of the Municipality;
- Performing activities regarding free access to information within the scope of Secretariat.